Saturday, 24 January 2015

Thermo takes a holiday

Hi I'm a new Thermo Nanny ... although a not so new Nanny.
Incidently the reference to Thermo is not a reference to hot flushes but is actually a nickname for my wiz bang new appliance the Thermomix. My daughter, Superkyles and her children have been using it a little  longer than me and I thought a bit of their expertise would rub off while on holidays.

We are holidaying in the beautiful Yamba... north coast of NSW for the unlucky. The whole family is here and the little town house on the water (sleeps 7) is groaning with 11 mouths to feed including one vegetarian and 2 toddlers. So the thermo got a holiday of sorts.  Well not really has come away to show us what it has got when it comes to feeding a crowd.

Comes with its own travelling bag- meant to be taken on holidays!

Step up step up..   so far it has dealt out Pizza, Chinese dumplings, breads, mascapone (yes that was an interesting experiment), breakfast pancakes, smoothies, espresso Martinis, Asian style scrambled eggs and apple pies. Brings a little bit of gourmet eating to the traditional BBQ holiday without much fuss. Of course all the burgers, steaks and sausages came with the treat of various pre-made home made relishes and chutneys. I must say the passionfruit lemon butter and chocolate spreads went over well at breakfast time too.

My other reason for bringing the Thermomix is the need for bread.... they eat so much with breakfast lunch and tea that the ability to do "the loaves and fishes "thing and whip up fresh bread and rolls without a visit to the shop is a real bonus.

So read along about the bread adventures in my next blog.

Future blogs will contain stories of this Nanny "conquering" the Thermo. I have to learn to follow the recipes and then adapt as all "old cooks" do rather than guess and regret when the carrot comes out pureed for the coleslaw.



  1. This blog has a mind of its own and will not let the picture sit up straight!

  2. The story of the bread recipe and invention is coming soon
